What we Believe

What We Believe

The Holy Bible: The Holy Bible has 66 books and given by the inspiration of God, therefore without error.

God:  God Eternally co-existent in three persons (God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit). God is infinite, eternal, almighty and perfect.

Jesus Christ:  The deity and perfect humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ, the God-man. His virgin birth,Sinless life, His death as a perfect sacrifice for the sins of humankind, His resurrection and future return for the church.

The Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment, and regenerates, seals and fills the believer.

Man’s condition: Each human is a sinner in need of salvation by grace through Faith

Salvation:  Salvation is the gift from God, provided solely by His grace through faith in Jesus Christ. There is no other name except Jesus Christ by which man can be saved.

The Church: The Church is the Body of Christ on earth, and the Bride of Christ in Heaven.

The Great Commission: The fulfillment of the Great Commission is the responsibility of all believers.

Judgment: God will judge both the just and the unjust. There is a literal heaven and hell.

Angels: The existence of elect angels and fallen angels.